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The Hungarian Code of Advertising Ethics

Article 7 - Protecting of trademarks and advertising concepts

(1)    Creative concept of an advertisement’s creator and all ideas included in and related to the advertisement shall be subject to general protection.

(2)    It is prohibited to use a name, marking or commodity marker in an advertisement in any unjustified way that makes a different party or another product or service of a different party usually recognized.

(3)    Except for lawfully published comparative advertisements, without having received the authority to do so, it is prohibited to use in an advertisement a patented trademark, trade name which is used to make people to associate for or to recognize a product or service of someone else.

(4)    In case an advertiser has published its typical advertisement campaign in one or several countries, other advertisers shall refrain from hindering the original advertiser in expanding the campaign to other countries by publishing an advertisement very similar to the original in another country.