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The Hungarian Code of Advertising Ethics

Article 19 - Regulations on advertising alcoholic beverages

(1)    Advertisement of alcoholic beverages shall not suggest that consumption of alcohol before driving a person or driving motor vehicle is acceptable, including bicycles, power-boats, jet skis, snowmobiles and airplanes. An advertisement shall not suggest that consumption of alcohol before or during operating dangerous machinery or connected to any dangerous free time or work activity is acceptable.

(2)     An advertisement of alcoholic beverages shall not induce or encourage unlawful behaviour and shall not despise the importance of a healthy way of living.

(3)     An advertisement of alcoholic beverages cannot suggest that outstanding physical or mental performance can be reached as a result of the consumption of alcoholic beverages and cannot show anyone to reach outstanding performance during the consumption of alcoholic beverages.  Especially, the advertisement cannot make the impression that the consumption of alcoholic beverages increases mental abilities or physical performance or has a stimulating effect whatsoever on the performance of tasks requiring utmost attention.

(4)    Advertisement of alcoholic beverages may not present alcohol consumption at the workplace, in connection with work. Exceptions from this rule are advertisements connected to product tasting, company visit, where it is presented connected to a professional’s work.

(5)    Advertisement of alcoholic beverages should not encourage or condone excessive or irresponsible alcohol consumption and cannot present abstinence or moderation consumption in any negative way.    An advertisement should not show people who appear to be drunk or in any way imply that drunkenness is acceptable.

(6)    Advertisement of alcoholic beverages should not suggest any association with violent, aggressive, dangerous or antisocial behavior.

(7)    Advertisement of alcoholic beverages may not create any confusion as the nature and the strength of the product. It may present information on alcohol strength but may not create the impression that high alcohol content is the positive trait of the product. It cannot suggest that by consuming beverages of low alcohol content addiction or excessive drinking may be avoided.

(8)     An advertisement of alcoholic beverages may include information on the composition of the given alcoholic beverage and also on its calorie contents, but cannot claim on the grounds of the information as aforesaid that they are healthy, or reduce your weight, except if the relevant statutory provisions allow.

(9)    Advertisement of alcoholic beverages should not suggest that alcoholic products have therapeutic properties or that their consumption may help to preventing, treating or curing human disease. Information on nutrition value, carbohydrate content or calorie content may, under certain circumstances, be acceptable provided that they are lawful, true and applied with due care.

(10)    Advertisement of alcoholic beverages should not create the impression that consumption of alcoholic beverages my lead to social or sexual success. It should especially not suggest that alcohol consumption is a condition of social acceptance or success, that it enhances sexual performance, attractiveness or leads to the creation of a sexual relationship, or that it helps to overcome inhibition or shyness. Special care must be taken to provide that alcohol advertisement may not offend good taste or public taste, human dignity or honor.

(11)    Advertisement of alcoholic beverages should not show or aim at pregnant women.

(12)    An advertisement of alcoholic beverages cannot address high health risk groups, such as expectant mothers and cannot feature pregnant women.

(13)    The advertisement of an alcoholic beverage cannot address children or minors nor can contain statement, audio or visual elements that are, as an age group, the primarily appealing for them. No child or minor can be featured in these advertisements and none of those featured can be younger than 25.

(14)     When selecting the media it must be provided that at least 70% of the audience can reasonably be expected to be of 18 or older. Alcoholic beverages may not bee advertised/promoted in media or at events where at least 30% of the audience is predictably child or underage.

(15)    An advertisement shall not use any – real or imaginary – objects, pictures, styles, symbols, colors, music or characters (especially cartoon characters, sportsmen or celebrities) that are primarily appeal the underage or are strongly linked to their thoughts or emotions. No brand logo and product tag can be used that primarily aim children and underage (names, logos, sports equipment, sport, game or other) and cannot suggest that it makes the consumer adult or adult like.

(16)    On the Internet website of the company or the brand it must be clearly and well visibly indicated that the given site may only be visited only by those who are above the age limit. In order to provide this advertiser must provide that the given site may only be visited after the visitor giving their date of birth.

(17)    On the Internet site of the company or the brand, clear notice of alcohol responsibility message must be placed.