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The Hungarian Code of Advertising Ethics

Article 22 -Environmental protection and advertising

(1)    Concerning claims referring to environmental protection it is a general expectation that such claims must be clear, understandable and if necessary supported with the qualification of the authority in charge. The donation or support of a third party or organization can figure in the advertisement only in case that it is true.

(2)    Claims like ‘environmental friendly’ and the like may only be used only by statements of those authorized to give out such, excepting the case when the advertiser, for the whole life cycle of the product, can prove that the product has no harmful effect on the environment.

(3)    Comparative statements and references are acceptable if advertiser can prove that the product is the result of a development valuable from an environmental protection perspective, either compared to competitors or advertiser’s own earlier products. However, not even in this case may the advertisement suggest unduly that the product as a whole is environmental friendly.

(4)    When a statement regarding environmental protection is made, it must be made clear whether it refers to and is true for the product as a whole or only for a component or ingredient, packaging or other property thereof.

(5)    Environmental protection claims can be made only in a corresponding context.

(6)    Environmental protection claim should refer to a given environmental benefit or a general environmental impact. The latter statement can be published only inasmuch as prior to its publication the company completed an environmental impact study.

(7)    Environmental protection claims should be reassessed and updated so that they reflected the changes that took place in the technology, the products of competitors, and other circumstances that may affect the accuracy of such claims.