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Guide for the submission of request

The Advertising Self Regulatory Board (ÖRT) reviews the contents of commercial publications in the scope of its joint-adjustment activity according to the Media Act within the provisions of the applicable Code of Conduct upon the receipt of a respective request. Applicants are requested to study carefully our Code of Conduct and the procedures contained in it prior to submitting their requests.

Requests related to commercial communications issued in printed and internet press-materials as well as in on-demand media services will be reviewed in the scope of joint-adjustment on the basis of the Code of Conduct.

ÖRT does not deal with the items listed below in the scope of co-regulation:

  • Editorial contents,
  • Commercial publications issued in the course of linear media services (television and radio),
  • Product placement,
  • Insertion of sponsoring information in live programs,
  • Political advertisements,
  • Any legal dispute originating in contractual obligations. Such affairs/cases are handled by courts.

In case of submitting a request related to internet press-materials and on-demand media services the copy (print-screen) of the concerned ad must always be enclosed to the form. If any other documents related to the review of the request are available these should also be submitted. The form used for submitting the request should include the brief summary and justification of the infringement of law related to the denounced appearance and the indication of the article in the Code of Conduct which is infringed by the denounced contents in the opinion of the applicant.

Your attention is called to the fact that by submitting the request the applicant agrees to ÖRT handle, store and process his/her personal data necessary for starting the proceedings to the extent required according to its co-regulatory activity under the Media Act and the existing procedural rules, respectively. He/she has to agree also for ÖRT to forward these data to the Media Council (or Authority) in the scope of its data supply obligation stipulated by the Media Act.

Your attention is called furthermore to the requirements of:

Having the request contain the data specified under §21 of the Code of Conduct.

Satisfy the additional condition for starting the proceedings of the applicant to pay in the procedural fee (HUF 2,200) and verify the fact of payment to ÖRT. The mode of payment is remittance to Raiffeisen Bank Account No. 12010659-01342323-00200006.

If the applicant and the payer are not identical then the name of the applicant is to be indicated in the notification field of the remittance note.

Your attention is called also to the fact that there is no possibility for the refundments of the procedural fee either in the case of erroneously submitted requests or rescinded or rejected requests.

Requests will be accepted in writing and may be submitted in the following ways:

In the form of registered letter-post delivery addressed to: Önszabályozó Reklám Testület (Self-Regulatory Organisation, H-1066 Budapest, Teréz krt. 38.)

Please indicate the word “KÉRELEM” (REQUEST) on the envelope.

Electronically: through the homepage (www.tarsszabalyozas.hu) or by e-mail sent to the This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it address.