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The well-balanced, healthy nutrition and lifestyle are parts of the world-wide fight against growing overweight and obesity, promoted by WHO since 2006. There are numerous elements effecting nourishment and lifestyle, and several studies examine the causes and possible solutions for the problem of obesity.

Several legal and self-regulating solutions have been created on handling the issue:

  • advertising claims regarding the health claims of food products are regulated by EU decrees (1924/2006, 432/2012)

  • the international advertising industry perceived the importance of social responsibility, and included the rules of advertising ethics regarding food products and non-alcoholic beverages in the ICC Code in 2004, complemented in 2012 (ICC Framework). 

  • the EASA called its members to apply these rules and implement them in local codes, so in the last review the Hungarian Code of Advertising Ethics in 2009, these rules were included as well. The compliance of the Code is regularly monitored.

  • the world’s leading food manufacturers made a pledge of self-regulation regarding the food products’ advertisements targeting children at the EU Platform